2021 Annual Report

Almost two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, President Joko Widodo - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin’s administration has showcased resilience, sturdy enough to withstand the pandemic fallout while carrying out the national strategic agenda. The pandemic even prompted the government to run ahead chasing progress. As the commander-in-chief, President Joko Widodo has given clear and firm directions for the country to deal with the public health conundrum. Hit the gas pedal and step on the brakes, have the courage to take risks.

The government has guaranteed stable financial conditions and overcame a serious downturn, if not a recession, with the National Economic Recovery (PEN) policy. The current administration has also fortified the social protection programs by extending cash aid and social assistance (Bansos) to the poor and incentives for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The pre-employment card also aims to help pandemic-hit workers and curbs the unemployment rate.

Being published every October 20th, the government’s annual performance has been regularly reported since 2015. It is made for the society to better understand what policies and reforms governments had designed. Thus, this report exhibits the government’s accountability and transparency, an effort to harness the public trust.

We sincerely hope this report can deliver a stronger, more resilient, equitable and sustainable post-pandemic recovery.

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